File Folder Properties Changer Crack File Folder Properties Changer Crack+ [Win/Mac] A: I am using EASE Tools Free Pro. It's a freeware utility which lets you change file properties. Q: Scala and Future/Async I'm new to scala and having a hard time trying to figure out how it works under the hood. I'm still learning and trying to understand the concept of scalas Futures and Asyncs. Scala Asyncs or Futures is great because it gives you code which runs the computation on a separate thread (vs. the current thread). That way, the thread (in case of a gui app) doesn't freeze. I'm having a hard time understanding how exactly this works. I'm trying to read this article. But not sure if it's relevant to Scala or what. In this article, they are using Akka as a framework. Any help is appreciated. A: The problem is that you do not understand how concurrency works in general. I think the part you are not understanding is: a scheduler (on a GUI thread) has to wait for a message from the operating system when it wants to deliver a message to the thread executing in the GUI thread. when you are trying to manipulate some sort of global variable, you need to be sure that you don't get into a case where two threads are both manipulating the same variable at the same time. This is exactly why threads are not good for parallelism, because they cannot be synchronized. A: Scala is a pure Functional programming language, this explains why things like Scala futures or asynchronous execution are only rarely used in Scala, as they make the code less readable and harder to maintain, compared to plain old Scala code. Async execution (as the name says) implies that you are submitting a task to the OS to be executed by the thread scheduler. In a multithreaded application, the OS will schedule this task to be executed in another thread. But the thread scheduler has its own internal queue to schedule tasks, and can not interrupt a running task without first waiting for the current task to finish, this is why you see the UI thread being unblocked while a task is executing, it's only unblocked because the OS has scheduled the task to be executed while the UI thread was active. Q: Calling Java method from JS code I need to call a method in a Java Web Application from a javascript. The method is a post request which I want to execute when a button is clicked. I was looking for a way to make a remote call in javascript but wasn't able to find anything. The only solutions I could find were to use native JavaScript communication with Java. Is there another solution? Thanks A: Write the function to the console using the WebConsole API. The code is then accessible to the 1a423ce670 File Folder Properties Changer What's New in the File Folder Properties Changer? System Requirements: Minimum: OS: XP SP2 CPU: Athlon x2 RAM: 256 MB Graphics: DirectX: Video RAM: Hard Disk: 10 GB Sound Card: Additional Notes: Recommended: CPU: Phenom II X4 RAM: 768 MB Hard Disk: 25 GB Description:
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